– Detta är nyheter.

Calculation correct salary

If workers abroad received proper wages

Shipbuilding (France and Finland)
(1 euro is 9.0968 SEK (Riksbank’s currency converter, the average for 2014)
Calculated working hours 2014: 544 100
Converted to month: 3127 months
Minimum wage (France): EUR 1 445.38  (SEK 13 148 SEK )
Total salary for workers at shipbuilding: EUR 4 519 605 (SEK 41 113 947)

Noted: Number of employees in Litana who work in shipyards in Finland and France: 280 people at the end of 2013 and 455 people by the end of 2014 (figures from annual reports)

The construction industry Nordic countries
Estimated number of hours in Sweden and Norway: 231 600 (159 600 hours Sweden and Norway of 72 000 hours)
Hourly earnings according to collective agreement: EUR 18,69 (SEK 170)
Total salary Sweden and Norway: EUR 4 328 115 (SEK 39 372 000)

Estimated number of hours in Finland: 65 800
Hourly wage: EUR 10 is the minimum salary (SEK 90.97)
Total salary Finland: EUR 658 014 (SEK 5 985 826)

If Litana would have follewed the laws and agreements the total payroll of foreign workers should have been: EUR: 9 505 735 (SEK 86 471 773).
We add the total salary* for employees (workers and administration staff) in the home country: EUR 2 656 138 (SEK 24 162 360)

The correct total payroll should have been: EUR 12 161 873
But Litana has just a total payroll of  EUR 5 969 990 (SEK 54 307 802)
It is lacking EUR 6 191 883

* The minimum monthly salary for Lithuania is EUR 289,62.

In the original article we have gone from Lithuanian litas to swedish crown. In those calculations we go from swedish crown to euro. This can make some small difference in the figures.


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