Hem Arkiv This is how we calculated…

This is how we calculated…


Andrius salary
1 litas is 2.6348 SEK (Riksbank’s currency converter, the average for 2014)
1 euro was 9, 3566 SEK (Riksbank currency 23 of september 2015)
In the original article we had gone from Lithuanian currency to swedish. In this english article we have gone from swedish crown to euro. This might give a small difference in the figures.

Salary after tax: EUR 1 689,6 (SEK 15 809 or 6,000 litas)
Salary before tax: EUR 2 121,9 (SEK 19 854 or 7059 litas)
(The income tax is 15 per cent in Lithuania and the workers are  also paying nine percent in social security contributions themselves.)
The subsistence allowance for 30 days =  EUR 1 519,8 (SEK 14 220 or 5 400 litas)
(This allowance is EUR 50 (SEK 474 or 180 litas) per day)
Monthly salary = EUR 602
(Salary minus subsistence allowance)
Number of hours worked per month = 227-252
Hourly salary: EUR 2,38- 2,65



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